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This is a common sight in markets and stores all over Brasil. This is a plastic tube filled with Mel and set off in partitions. Mel lovers like to suck on these for a treat. Each section is about 2.5cm (1 inch) so they make a handy size.

Flavio produces three types of Mel. Well actually the bees produce it he just steals it from them. *SMILE*.

This is Mel from a tree called by the strange name ASSA PEIXE. I say strange because the literal translation is Baked Fish. ??????

This is the most liked of all Mel. This comes from the Laranjeira (from the Orange Tree). It is my favourite.

This Mel is called Sylvestre (wild) because it can come froma mix of any sources, Laranjeira, Assa Peixa or any flowers. This also a lovely Mel.

This is Propolis, another product of the bees.

Propolis is a brownish material of waxy consistency collected by bees from the buds of trees and used as a cement. (Webster's Dictionary)

I am told that Chinese people use it for medicinal purposes. There is not a lot produced so it is quite expensive.

Flavio bottles the Mel in different size bottles. This one is a large bottle of Sylvestre.

This one is Laranjeira.

Here is a collection of all his types of Bottles. What a sweet sight!!!!

Photos by Urso Branco

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